Friday, August 7, 2009

Hobos and Nubs

Hello. I am here to talk about the respecting of hobos. And the stupidness of a nub.
Hobos are weird people who are mentally challenged-Just kidding! but they are random people who have no homes. And nubs- oh who am i kidding, nubs are just plain stupid!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeanine Mason won!!!

This is Jeanine. She is awesome and she won So You
Think You Can Dance season 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She is from florida. Also i wanted to mention that
Paramore has a new album coming out on September 29 2009. I'm so getting it. I'm listening to the single "Ignorance" now.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

This is a new post called would you rather. I will ask a bunch of questions like would you rather:

Drink pee VS. Have no neck
Sleep on the street VS. Have explosive Diharihha for a month
I hope those are good!