Sunday, August 3, 2008

Hello everyone!
At the end of the year all my friends and you voted on betty spinnach, or betty spagetti so I took your votes and i decided at the beginning of the year i will reaveal betty spagetti!

This is Chim-Chim, my new monkey. He is also Pie Lad's newest fan! I hope you like my site. I am trying very hard to improve it. If you would like to post a comment go ahead, IT'S FREE! If you like you can also subscribe to my blog, THAT'S FREE TOO!

So run your mouse wild and have fun!

Hello fans! From now on i am going to update my site every week.

I am gonna start now!

Chef Pier is actually Pie Lad's long lost brother...they met again at an Itallian Resturaunt Down in the Piegrass Suburbs! Pie Lad was on a date with Lady Yellow, and when the chef came out to give them thier Cheescake Pie, (The only pie Pie Lad likes) Pie Lad realized his big bro. had become a very fine chef.

Then the three stayed there all night and talked...